• Equal Opportunity Policy 2024
• Vulnerable Persons Policy 2024
The Hall does have a licence with the Performing Right Society (PRS) or a Phonographic Performance Licence (PPL) for the performance of any copyright music.
The Hall does not have a Premises Licence. Our Hiring Agreement gives permission to you for a performance of live music, the playing of recorded music, or an exhibition of a film but only in accordance with the Deregulation Act 2015.
(i) The Hirer is responsible for ensuring that screenings of film abide by age classification ratings.
(ii) The Hirer agrees that if regulated entertainment outside of the Deregulation Act 2015 is to be held, then they will obtain our consent to give notice of a Temporary Event Notice (a ‘TEN’) to the licensing authority.
(iii) The Hirer agrees to obtain consent from the Hall to give notice of your intention to sell alcohol at the event and to give notice of a TEN to the licensing authority.